Custom header createdby editing the original code of architect theme _layouts/default.html

Github Pages Website From Scratch

Architect is a theme for GitHub Pages.

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This is the entry point for theme architect!

  • Depending on the theme you choose, entry point differs.
  • here entry point is set by naming the file as
  • Simple pages are set by just creating markdown files as First Simple Page and Second Simple Page
  • Posts are defined by setting is frontmatter layout:default in architect theme. Posts can also be made by soimply creating a markdown file.
  • As in theme minimal or minima, the posts are not automatically showing in the entering page We have to link it uisng <a></a> tags like below:



  • Create a _config.yml
    • For properties, visit In that go to the key called properties and under it every key is a possible property that can be added to the config file.
    • For default properties specific to any particular theme or website template, visit that template and read its documentation or code base to identiy what variables are used in its code.
    • Finding variables :
    • We will be using architect theme from I’ll just go ahead and copy info from its _config.yml
  • Create a file called Gemfile
    • Its like package.json but for ruby. It contains gems (packages for installation)
    • In it add necessary gems for jekyll, and those related to the respective theme/template. (example)
    • Bundle the gemfile by running bundle install or just bundle
  • Create a file called .gitignore specific to jekyll, automatically by running npx gitignore jekyll
  • Adding files:
    • Add a readme file that acts a starting point
    • Add additonal frontmatter to any post or page that you make. (example)
    • Add custom markdown pages [optional]. (example)
    • Add custom html pages [optional]. (example)


  • Running webpage locally: run bundle exec jekyll serve
  • Running webpage with github: push to repo and setup github pages via settings