OAuth Config Setup in Different Apps
jwt oauth2 typescript nextjs oidc passwordless-authentication
Auth App
To study diff auth methods
Table of Contents
- Basic Auth
- OAuth based auth
- JWT token based auth
- Session based auth
- Passwordless auth
- Open ID Connect (OIDC) based auth
- mTLS based auth
- Deployment
- Choice of Techstack
1. Basic Auth
- Like Bearer Auth
- Using basic-auth library
- often accompanied by any other form of session/token storage to maintain session expiry
2. Oauth
- uses passport-google-oauth20 etc
- that uses passport session to manage sessions
- passport session needs express session
express session can send cookies from backend to frontned (NEEDS TO BE STUDIED. NOT SURE)
- while using diff frontend andb backend hosts only if both have https
- only if frontend and baclemd are on same site(using nginx proxy or setting express.static())
- we are using express.static() method to access frontend files via backend [in vanilla html]
refer this for oauth apps url configurations
- Tips:
- use
<base href="http://localhost:8000">
in html head to avoid rewriting baseurl in html (while accessing frontend files via backend express.static()) [in case of vanilla html] - use below in nextjs avoid rewriting baseurl
async rewrites() { return [ { source: "/auth/:path*", // Frontend route destination: "http://localhost:8000/auth/:path*", // Backend route }, ]; },
- use
3. JWT
- Redis is particularly well-suited for token blacklisting token during logout due to its speed, simplicity, and built-in expiration features. Redis is designed for low-latency operations because it stores data in memory. This makes it significantly faster than traditional disk-based databases like MongoDB or SQL.
- created redis db using upstash
4. Session based
- Plain session based auth
- It has already been used along with basic auth and oauth, but just t o study it in isolation
5. Passwordless
- Only for signup and signin. Verfication is through traditional jwt cookies/headers
- During signin we dont use password(only email). Instead would send an otp to email and verify its expiration. And then will send the token to frontend. (an extra step like 2 factor auth)
- For checking auth this token is sent via headers/stored in cookies each time for every route
- To set up modemailer follow the set mentioned here https://dev.to/chandrapantachhetri/sending-emails-securely-using-node-js-nodemailer-smtp-gmail-and-oauth2-g3a and code mentioned in claude ai code here claudeai-code.md
6. OpenID Connect
- We used Google as the OpenID Provider (IdP) and passport-openidconnect to help set up openid
7. mTLS (Mutual Transport Layer Security) (not implemented completely cause of minor errors)
- https://github.com/edum-compassuol/mTLS-nodejs-example/blob/main/server/src/server.ts
- Mutual TLS (mTLS) authentication involves verifying both the client and server identities using TLS certificates.
- Includes 2 steps:
- creating certficated for server & client
- logging in after verifying the certificates (session is managed by header/cookies)
- First You’ll need to create the following in a seperate folder called
outside frotend or backend folder:- A CA certificate to sign client and server certificates.
- A server certificate and private key.
- A client certificate and private key.
- Download ssl from https://slproweb.com/products/Win32OpenSSL.html
- OpenSSL commands to create certificates in cert folder: ssl-commands.md
- remember to add the folder cert/ and all the related certificate extensions as in gitignore-commands.md to gitignore before committing
- If everything is configured correctly:
- The server will verify the client certificate.
- The client will verify the server certificate.
- Common Issues
- Certificate Mismatch: Ensure the client and server - certificates are signed by the same CA.
- Incorrect Paths: Double-check the file paths for the keys and certificates.
- Firewall/Port Issues: Ensure port 8443 is open for communication.(convetionally use port 8443 for mTLS)
- Used in Banks (e.g., JPMorgan Chase, Goldman Sachs), Payment Processors (e.g., Stripe, PayPal, Square), Cloud Providers (e.g., AWS, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud), etc
- Working:
- Browsers do not natively support mTLS directly due to security constraints. So we will use nextjs api to work with client certificates. (∴ cannot do directly within page.tsx)
8. Deployment
- Basic typescript nodejs deployment: https://youtu.be/4mqy5SjkDec?si=rFG2Wu8NYmq-8PjD
- Durig deployment, there is this whole mess. Checkout all changes I’ve made so far, all the minor fix commits to get an idea.
- Express session does indeed not work with frontend and backend on diff servers.
- During development it worked because the browser confused the host(localhost) of both port 8000 and 3000 as it is coming from same domain.
- Added diff frontend host url as below in .env file of react to change hostname and it stopped co-operating with express-session
- Therefore had to serve rthe frontend build folder from backend
- Render is horrible at building and starting the server by itself for frontend as well as backend (as I’ve seen so far).
- Therefore I’m building the build files in both frontend and backend before commiting and pushing the build folders to github
- In render I just start the backend server
- Rememeber for OAuth authentication always need to update the redirect urls in case you plan to host the server in any other website.
- Also update the env variables accordingly
9. Choice of Techstack
- ReactJS because of not able to use express-session
- NextSJ was the first choice in order to learn the techstack. But express-session was not letting me set cookies in frontend because of cross-origin. (couldnt find a simple solution in neither stackoverflow nor gpt)
- So now im serving react build files directly from server