
Websites for help

  1. Handrawn icons/images
    • unDraw
    • storyset - Already drawn line drawings
    • humaaans - Mix-&-match illustrations of people with a design library
    • openpeeps - Mix-&-match illustrations of people with a design library
  2. svg/icons
  3. Free Stock Images: Pexels
  4. Free stck Images: PixaBay
  5. fonts: Google Fonts
  6. Color pallets etc: Coolors

Websites for inspiration

  1. Dribble

Websites to practise

  1. Beginner practise html+css: Frontendmentor
  2. higher level css practise: Css Battle


Web Dev ideas to practise from youtube

  1. React:
    • Hospital slot booking app


Things to remember while starting a react app

  • npx create-react-app
  • use tailwind for css
  • search for libraries. dont make things from scratch.
  • divide code into componenets.